
OrderlyStats SE - Installation

This page describes the installation process of OrderlyStats Core

FREE INSTALLATION SUPPORT is available for OrderlyStats - so if you get stuck just give us a call or, write in .

Now you've got all the necessary pre-requisites, you can install the core application.

First, stop Tomcat with: /etc/init.d/orderlystatsse stop

Next, download the OrderlyStats SE distribution from the download page - or the following code will save it to your home directory:

> cd ~
> wget

Now, unpack the distribution into Tomcat's webapps folder with

> export CATALINA_HOME=/usr/share/orderly/tomcat
> cd $CATALINA_HOME/webapps
> tar -xvzf ~/orderlystatsse17.0a.tar.gz

The above example assumes that you have saved the distribution to your home directory (~). If you have saved it to a different location, you will need to change the '~' in the last command to the full system path to the file.

This will create a new folder called orderlystatsse in your Tomcat webapps folder.

NOTE: Please do not rename the orderlystatsse folder. This will break your installation. It must be called orderlystatsse to work.

NOTE: The use of symbolic links to move the $CATALINA_HOME/webapps or $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/orderlystatsse folders to a different location has also been known to cause the system to not work properly, so please avoid doing this.

NOTE: You should never have more than one instance of OrderlyStats in your $CATALINA_HOME/webapps folder. If you ever need to back up your OrderlyStats installation, make sure you copy it to a different folder.

Next we have to create the database OrderlyStats will use to store your call logs. The following instructions are for MySQL. You can also switch to instructions for PostgreSQL. To create the database:

> mysql mysql

HINT: If you get an "Access denied" message, then your MySQL installation is password protected. You will need to log in with: mysql -u USERNAME -p mysql, where USERNAME is the master username for your MySQL installation (usually root). You'll then be prompted for the master password - sometimes this is blank by default, or you may have been asked to supply one when you installed MySQL.

If you don't know the master username or password for your installation, you should consult your linux documentation - there are instructions for resetting this on Debian here.

At the mysql command prompt, type

SQL> CREATE DATABASE orderlystats;

Then, to create a user for OrderlyStats:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON orderlystats.* TO 'orderlystats'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'orderlystats' WITH GRANT OPTION;

NOTE:If you're running OrderlyStats SE on a different machine from MySQL, then you'll need to replace 'localhost' with 'orderlystats.ip.address' in the above command.

When the database has been created type \q to exit mysql.

Now that the database is created, we need to create the tables in it for OrderlyStats to use. OrderlyStats SE comes with a script to do this - to run it type:

> mysql -u orderlystats -p orderlystats < $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/orderlystatsse/WEB-INF/database_mysql.sql

If you are asked for a password, it is orderlystats

The last step is to install the JDBC drivers for your version of MySQL. You can get these at ", or use this direct link (right-click to save).

Once you've downloaded the Source+Binaries file and unzipped it, you'll find a pre-compiled binary jar in its top level directory. Copy it to Tomcat with: cp mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin.jar $CATALINA_HOME/lib

One last thing: If you are upgrading from HypersonicSQL (from the All-In-One installer) then you need to edit /usr/share/orderly/tomcat/webapps/orderlystatsse/WEB-INF/OrderlyStatsSE.xml and uncomment the MySQL section, and comment out the HypersonicSQL section, as indicated in the file.

Start using OrderlyStats SE!
That's it! To start using OrderlyStats SE, just start Tomcat with: /etc/init.d/orderlystatsse start

Then use your browser to visit


If all is well, you will see a Getting Started page where you can enter your account details. OrderlyStats will then help you connect to your Asterisk server, and self-configure automatically.

HINT: If you don't see the expected Getting Started page, or if tomcat will not start, you can find out why by examining the log file at $CATALINA_HOME/logs/catalina.out - and feel free to ask us for help if you need further support.

NOTE: OrderlyStats will automatically download an evaluation licence from our servers when you have finished the set-up process. You must allow traffic from your OrderlyStats server to on port 80 for this to work. This means you'll need working DNS, or an entry in your /etc/hosts file. You can test the connection with: telnet 80
Please note that OrderlyStats SE cannot connect to the licence server via a HTTP Proxy. If you need help installing your licence file, please contact us for support.

These last steps are fully described in the Users Manual, which you should look at next (Right-Click to save).

If you are setting up a new Asterisk Call Centre, then you should also look at the Asterisk Queues Tutorial.

We hope you enjoy using OrderlyStats!